# Search only your trusted sources when looking up the news

Hyperweb can automatically detect when you are searching for news-related queries. It then allows you to filter the results to just news sources that you trust and regularly read. This is a free feature.

To do this, configure your favorite news sources under Popular > Custom News Search. You can use our suggestions or add your own sites.

Now, when we detect that you are searching for the news, Hyperweb will offer a filter for "My News Search" that allows you to see results just from your trusted sources.

This feature is currently only supported on the following search engines

  • Google
  • Bing
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Ecosia

Note that the logic that detects whether a query is about the news does not work 100% of the time, though we are constantly improving it and appreciate feedback via feedback@hyperweb.app. We also welcome suggestions for new news sources.